3 Top Places to Run in Malta

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It's not an easy task to come up with the top 3 places where I would recommend any runner to hit the road in Malta since everyone has some preferences. There are runners who are very keen to run just along the sea so a nice promenade will make them happy, while others are more into the action with some countryside routes to explore. Then there are also the city lovers who prefer to run into streets and passing by monuments and buildings.

Where to run: 3 top running routes in Malta

So for this reason I have shortlisted the best 3 places where to find nature, coastline and city streets so based on your preferences and distance you can pick up and try these running routes.

Zurrieq Running Route

1. Nature all the way: Blue Grotto, Hagar Qim Temple, Xarolla Windmill

The Southern Maltese coastline is fascinating for what can be discovered: from history to nature, many emotions will carry the runner's mind away. I am a bit biased on this part of the island since it is indeed my favourite spot. Here is what to expect running the most scenic Guided Tour in Malta.

Starting from the village of Zurrieq and going towards the coast on your left you will have the Mediterranean sea to admire with the little isle Filfla on the horizon. The promenade will make the route an easy to run and also safe to run. Along the way you will experience few slopes (cannot call them proper hills since it is a very short distance) and passing by the Blue Grotto which is one of seven caves situated in the surroundings cliffs, the clear blue water will make you forgot the actual run.

At the 4th Kilometre run you will face the prehistoric temples named Hagar Qim and Mnajdra. These are the most popular prehistoric sites on the island considering that these temples started being built on the islands around 5,000 years ago which make them being older than the pyramids and the Stonehenge site. Here looking the area and the stunning view in front of view will be easier re-fill your legs and also your soul with enough energy to keep going. Moving up towards the Mqabba village will mark your 6th Kilometre passing by the St. Catherine Chapel then will move  towards the countryside where the next stop will be Hal Millieri. It used be a village called Casal Millieri back in the XV century as it is documented through the small Chapel of the Annunciation. The last place to cover will be the Xarolla Windmill built in 1724, which it has been restored recently . This area goes back to Roman time (3rd-4thCentury AD) since near the windmill there are some tombs underground. This running routes cover 10 KM and with its beauty, amazing views and peaceful sceneries are properly mixed together with heritage and local culture.

  • Elevation: around 100 metres .
  • Difficulty: quite hilly route overall, especially the first half.
  • What you will get: going back in different times of Malta's history together with panoramic views and feel the nature around you.


2. Valletta: running around the Capital City

Thanks to its position, running around Valletta will be an interesting one since you will admire its fortifications and from the promenade you will be facing Manoel Island and the harbour. Running into the Capital it's an experience not to be missed since it will blend together the nice scenery of the peninsula of the Marsamxett Harbour within the Mediterranean sea.

Starting from Floriana, close to the Granaries, you will be going down all the way to Fort St. Elmo and going towards the harbour and the Valletta Waterfront.  At this point you will move closer to the main entrance of Valletta, but first there is a hilly part of this running route to overcome and it does require a good effort. Next place to pass by will be the Upper Barrakka Gardens to enjoy the view of the Three Cities and the harbour and then get out Valletta from the main entrance and complete the 5 KM run going back to the Granaries, close to St. Publius Square.

  • Elevation: around 110 metres.
  • Difficulty: quite hilly.
  • What you will get: running around the Valletta's fortification and along the coast line will feel the sea breeze and the vibes of its the history through the centuries.


3. St. Julians promenade: enjoying the coast line

If you staying in one the hotels and apartment located around St. Julians, Sliema and Gzira this running route will be the easiest way to start your day with a lovely run. Starting from the small bay of Portomaso and running all the way towards Tax Biex is a 5 KM run without any hills since it is very flat route. To enjoy it to the most I recommend to have a go in the early morning to avoid the crowd that can be on the promenade and in the same time you will not experience the heat especially during the summer time. The route will pass different places such the LOVE sign, Balluta Bay, the Fortizza Tower moving towards Tower Road. This side of the promenade will be slightly different because you will be facing Valletta with the Basilica Our Lady of Mount Carmel's iconic dome and its fortifications. The end of this running route will be in Ta' Xbiex Marina where different foreign embassies are located and different boats and yachts standing in the Marina area. If you are looking to run a very flat route then do not miss this itinerary and enjoy the  promenade.

  • Elevation: around 75 metres.
  • Difficulty: easy level due to the flat route.
  • What you will get: nice atmosphere running along this promenade with shops, runners and tourists so you will not feel alone at all.

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Running Tours Malta - Unique Experience

Running Tours Malta is your private running tour that will make sure you get your exercise even during your holiday. This a unique chance to visit and get to know Malta through a different perspective. You get the opportunity to run along the best scenic routes that Malta has to offer and get a feel for the island like a local runner.

While travelling you can keep up your running habits and discover the Maltese countryside at the same time. We'll match your pace so every runner is more than welcome to join our tours: from the easy going runner to the athlete on vacation and trail runners! So lace up your running shoes and select one of the scenic tours that Running Tours Malta has prepared for you with much dedication and experience. Let us make this running experience a great one, so you can go back home with a luggage-full of great memories.